Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep: Rafael Anton Irisarri : "Daydreaming" (Miasmah)

Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rafael Anton Irisarri : "Daydreaming" (Miasmah)

Deaf Center certainly know a thing or six about deeply affecting, piano-led compositions. 2005's "Pale Ravine" remains one of the most enthralling recorded documents in that field. "Daydreaming", by Seattle-based composer Rafael Anton Irisarri, is my first foray into the Norweigen duo's impressive Miasmah imprint. Irisarri, himself, has a terrific pedigree, as well as sculpting captivating electro-acoustic sounds, he also curates the Kupei Muska label and serves on the board of directors for Seattle's Decibel Festival.

Using piano, synths and acoustic and electronic instruments his album, "Daydreaming" consists of seven beautifully crafted modern/classical compositions. Irisarri creates music that can be both epic and subdued, with dreamy textures floating effortlessly and dissolving into one another. "Lumberton" is a highlight that incorporates glittering piano tones and backward looped synths. It's a little less cinematic than Deaf Center, but a tad more aggressive than Goldmund. The listener can only bask in its shimmering beauty.

"Voigt-kampff" (surely named after the polygraph test to determine replicants in "Bladerunner") recalls the glacial intensity of Radiohead's "Treefingers", while, "Fractal" employs barely audible beats, reminiscent of Gas' "Konigsforst". The vinyl crackles only serve to heighten the tension, as shimmering synths and fluctuating textures hover and blend.

Much like Wes Willenbring's "Somewhere Someone Else", this album is full of atmospherics, lulling piano tones and multi-layered instrumentation. Ending with the introspective "A Glimpse", you are left with a complete sense of calm and relaxation . With just under 35 minutes worth of imaginative piano-led pieces, it may not be breaking any new ground, but "Daydreaming" is utterly gorgeous all the same. Which should warrant furthter investigation into the Miasmah collective

Rating - 80%


"Lumberton" mp3 (Excerpt) - Rafael Anton Irisarri



At 04 April, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great review, lovely album. I must put my anorak on and point out that Miasmah is just one half of Deaf Center, Erik K Skodvin.

If i got out more, i wouldn't be saying that, perhaps i should be posting this anonymously

At 04 April, 2007, Blogger Micky67 said...

it sounds better my way, though :-)


At 05 April, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This album has been one of my favorite releases this year.


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