Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep: The American Dollar

Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep

Friday, March 09, 2007

The American Dollar

The American Dollar, a New York-based project, was first recommended to me by Last Days' Graham Richardson a couple of months ago. I found their instrumental sound to be both dynamic and refreshing and earmarked their album "The Technicolour Sleep" for purchase. However, a delay in the release of the album, meant I completely forgot about this band.

The Silent Ballet recently reawakened my interest by including "DEA" (taken from the album) in their last free compilation. Starting off with twinkling glockenspiel notes not unlike Helios' "Velius" track and adding strong, synthetic beats, this song soon lauches into post-rock euphoria. However, it is far from being derivative and represents the cleaner, more pretty side of the instrumental genre.

You can stream some excerpts of the album here.

"DEA" mp3 - The American Dollar



At 13 March, 2007, Blogger Alan said...

Excellent track.


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