Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep: Richard Walters : "We Have Your Head"

Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Richard Walters : "We Have Your Head"

Big Scary Monsters rarely get it wrong, so when they send out a bunch of mp3's you generally sit up and take notice. Having already released Yndi Halda's "Enjoy Eternal Bliss" Ep, BSM will follow this with the release of Richard Walters' "Pilotlights" Ep.

The 24-year old songwriter from the fertile grounds of Oxford, UK claims to have the most requested song that has featured on a CSI programme. "Pilotlights" can be bought for just £6 here. In the meantime, here's one of thos mp3's, listen to the ethereal quality of Walters' voice.

"We Have Your Head" mp3 - Richard Walters

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