Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep: Crepusculum : "Sky Diaries" Ep (12Rec)

Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Crepusculum : "Sky Diaries" Ep (12Rec)

There are a series of videoes on Youtube that I just happened to stumble across a few weeks ago. They depict a young London-based musician, known as Fred Baty, who records under the moniker Crepusculum. Normally, videos of random people playng acousic guitar hold my attention for all of ten seconds, but there was something about the "Open Gates" (video) that kept me watching. It wasn't until halfway through the song, that I realised this youngster was an incredible guitar player.

Further investigation revealed that netlabel 12rec had seen those same videos and offered to release some of Crepusculum, banding them together as the "Sky Diaries Ep". It's predominantly an instrumental offering, but such an insignificant statement would not do this Ep justice, as the guitar work here is multi-textured and insanely melodic.

Guitar harmonics sparkle throughout the glorious "Momentum" and are used within a highly inventive chord structure. It's a warm composition that just seems to get better with every listen.

Many acoustic and instrumental albums suffer from lack of variety, but there is no danger of that happening here. The superior guitar work is augmented with Album Leaf-style chimes and some delicate keyboard sounds. "Anachronism" uses this approach with a degree of perfection. Every scrape of the plectrum across the strings and every hand movement upon the fretboard is picked up on this poignant recording, giving a certain atmospheric edge.

As the lovely melody of the, aforementioned, "Open Gates" washes over you, you will be in no doubt that Baty is and incredibly talented individual, and 12rec appear to have picked out a pearl from the bottom of the ocean with this Ep.

Only a remix of "A Sheltered Life" seems out of place, temporarily disrupting the flow. But this can be forgiven, as the other six compositions all contain gorgeous moments and glowing guitar work.

Download it here.

Rating = 82%

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